Called 2 Be A Teacher

Hello and welcome to my new blog. I am a 4th grade self-contained teacher and am loving every minute of it. I would love to share the resources I create to use in my classroom, as well as the successes and failures. Teaching is a calling and is my passion. I love educating young minds and making learning fun.

Encrypting Your Files

I have been a seller on TpT for only a few short months. Today, I found out how important it is to encrypt ALL your files before you download them for sell. If you are using clip art you have downloaded FREE or even purchased, it is very important to have your files protected. It is sad to say, there are people out there that will take information from your files and use it. I want to save you from being put in a uncompromising position of getting in trouble over this issue. With that said, I read through blogs and spoke to other TpT sellers and came up with I would have to purchase a product to encrypt the files I have created. After a few minutes of researching I found the freebie I am going to share with you in a moment. You have to already be using or saving your files in PDF to use this free download. I have already used it. It is quite simple, however, I went to upload my new document onto TpT and had to resave pictures to post individually, TpT would not find the pictures for preview. Now, this might not happen if it is a first download. I had to redownload an item I had already posted. We shall see how that goes next time. Okay, so your wanting the free download now? Here it is..

I hope this helps you out! Be Blessed!

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